With tommorow's ski-flying hill test in Planica the FIS World Cup Ski-jumping Finals are going to start. Before the beginning of the largest sporting event on slovenian ground, the organizer introduced a few details about the upcoming event at the press conference.

More than 50,000 visitors are expected in valley under Ponce in next days and everybody's great wish is good weather, which, with surelly good atmosphere, will conjure a beautiful conclusion of ski-jumping season. By words of OC president Drago Bahun, the ski-flying hill is excellently prepared, so that we can expect interesting competition. Workers had otherwise quite a lot of troubles with large amounts of snow, but they did everything so that the event will go on as good as it can. Mr. Bahun also emphasised the part of the event, taht will take place on Thursday: »We organized project Planica and children again. Together with sponsors we will drive thousands of children to Planica, because we want to encourage slovenian sport and ski-jumping.

Because of safety of all the visitors in Planica and on the way to the event, organizer will closely cooperate with police. Police presence will be increased from toll booth Torovo onwards, with purpose of quicker and safer arrival to Planica. Representative of police Simon Vindiš warned so: »Do not hurry on the way, therefore leave home early. Mood of visitors will be already checked on the way and we will watch out for forbidden objects. We want to offer safety to all on the event site, therefore interventions are possible. We must also warn of thefts in these large crowds.«

Beside police, there will also be 125 security guards and stewards present on the scene under management of Marjan Jakše. He warned for boards, on which forbidden objects are marked, and for informative boards, which lead to facilities as are info-points and rescue and police points. Visitors will be also notified through speaker system, and large attention will be devoted to alcoholic beverages supervision. Mr. Jakše added: »Visitors must feel safe, but that doesn't depend only of us, but depends of them also. That's why we ask of them, when they are coming to Planica, that they don't consume alcoholic beverages and that they consider instructions from police, stewards and security.

Concerning traffic order, Jože Ajdišek said, there are no large differences from last year: »This year also we prepared a path on which we will guide the pedestrians coming from both directions and those who will park in Rateče area. It was hard to ensure parking surfaces this year, but at this moment there are 5000 spaces for cars and 260 spaces for buses available in the larger area.« On Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, circular transport from bus station in Kranjska Gora through stations on the way to Planica will be organized, above all with intention of disburdening of traffic.

Chief of competition Gabrijel Gros introduced details of »brothers Gorišek« ski-flying hill: »The hill is in top state. Concerning runway, things are such as last year – excellent. Landing zone saw minor changes due to large amounts of snow. We used this large amount of snow for new direction for development of flights. We modified the lower radius so that we pilled up 1,5 meter of snow on it. If the competitors are in a good form and if nature helps we are ready for everything.«

For conclusion the financial perspective was handed by OC general secretary Primož Finžgar: »Our goal is to prepare thing as neccessary and so that is expected from us. This year wasn't easy concerning sponsors, although we have some faithfull ones. They covered two thirds of the money, but the rest needed some »knocking on doors«. We hope for positive zero, but the final calculation will determine the costs.

More than 50,000 visitors are expected in valley under Ponce in next days and everybody's great wish is good weather, which, with surelly good atmosphere, will conjure a beautiful conclusion of ski-jumping season. By words of OC president Drago Bahun, the ski-flying hill is excellently prepared, so that we can expect interesting competition. Workers had otherwise quite a lot of troubles with large amounts of snow, but they did everything so that the event will go on as good as it can. Mr. Bahun also emphasised the part of the event, taht will take place on Thursday: »We organized project Planica and children again. Together with sponsors we will drive thousands of children to Planica, because we want to encourage slovenian sport and ski-jumping.

Because of safety of all the visitors in Planica and on the way to the event, organizer will closely cooperate with police. Police presence will be increased from toll booth Torovo onwards, with purpose of quicker and safer arrival to Planica. Representative of police Simon Vindiš warned so: »Do not hurry on the way, therefore leave home early. Mood of visitors will be already checked on the way and we will watch out for forbidden objects. We want to offer safety to all on the event site, therefore interventions are possible. We must also warn of thefts in these large crowds.«

Beside police, there will also be 125 security guards and stewards present on the scene under management of Marjan Jakše. He warned for boards, on which forbidden objects are marked, and for informative boards, which lead to facilities as are info-points and rescue and police points. Visitors will be also notified through speaker system, and large attention will be devoted to alcoholic beverages supervision. Mr. Jakše added: »Visitors must feel safe, but that doesn't depend only of us, but depends of them also. That's why we ask of them, when they are coming to Planica, that they don't consume alcoholic beverages and that they consider instructions from police, stewards and security.

Concerning traffic order, Jože Ajdišek said, there are no large differences from last year: »This year also we prepared a path on which we will guide the pedestrians coming from both directions and those who will park in Rateče area. It was hard to ensure parking surfaces this year, but at this moment there are 5000 spaces for cars and 260 spaces for buses available in the larger area.« On Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, circular transport from bus station in Kranjska Gora through stations on the way to Planica will be organized, above all with intention of disburdening of traffic.

Chief of competition Gabrijel Gros introduced details of »brothers Gorišek« ski-flying hill: »The hill is in top state. Concerning runway, things are such as last year – excellent. Landing zone saw minor changes due to large amounts of snow. We used this large amount of snow for new direction for development of flights. We modified the lower radius so that we pilled up 1,5 meter of snow on it. If the competitors are in a good form and if nature helps we are ready for everything.«

For conclusion the financial perspective was handed by OC general secretary Primož Finžgar: »Our goal is to prepare thing as neccessary and so that is expected from us. This year wasn't easy concerning sponsors, although we have some faithfull ones. They covered two thirds of the money, but the rest needed some »knocking on doors«. We hope for positive zero, but the final calculation will determine the costs.